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Digital Ghosts Offers Computer Virus Removal and Recovery Services

If you're reading this, chances are your company's computer network has already suffered some sort of loss due to a computer virus. You're not alone. Did you know that according to the FBI; computer viruses and spyware cost U.S. companies about $62 billion each year? And if you're reading this, sadly your business is probably part of that statistic. There's good news for businesses in the Hays Kansas area: Digital Ghosts can help!

Our team has expertise with computer virus removal and recovery. If contacted immediately, there's a good chance we can recover lost data and reverse the effects of even the most harmful computer virus. Data recovery is no easy task – but it's well worth the effort as recovering lost data saves your company time and money.

Digital Ghosts offers a full range of computer virus repair solutions including:

  • Computer virus removal
  • Virus data recovery
  • Computer virus protection
  • Computer virus support
So, How Much of a Threat Are Viruses to Your Business?

Computer viruses are a huge threat to businesses large and small in a number of ways. Computer viruses can manipulate screen displays, reduce memory space, damage software and hardware, increase run time, erase files and steal information as well. Of course, they can also corrupt the computer – or the network. Some computer viruses are more costly than others. Especially painful are those computer viruses that give the virus maker access to sensitive or valuable information. Consider the ironically named "IloveYou" virus that hit companies and government agencies. The virus got into address books and sent itself to all contacts. Within a few hours, the virus had gone global. When it ended, the damage was in excess of $15 billion.

So, clearly any business that plans to succeed needs to factor in the expense of IT support that includes virus detection, protection, removal and recovery.

Headline: Offense is the Best Defense When It Comes to Computer Viruses

It goes without saying that it's better to plan for trouble before it happens, but most businesses learn this lesson the hard way. The average company loses $24,000 when a computer virus strikes the computer network – and that doesn't include the greater cost to time and momentum as you're dealing with disaster.

Digital Ghosts also provides computer virus prevention and computer virus protection systems that help you avoid this costly lesson that other businesses have had to learn when their unprotected computer network takes a direct hit from the latest virus or spyware.

As experts in virus data recovery, Digital Ghosts can recover lost data even when the hard drive has failed or been damaged. We've helped countless business owners realize that there are worse things than getting hit with a virus. Allowing the data remove by a virus to be lost forever is an even greater disaster – especially when Digital Ghosts is able to help with virus removal and data recovery.

Outsourcing is the Future- And Digital Ghosts Will Make Yours a Better One!

It's settled! The finest minds in business agree that outsourcing IT services in this competitive world IS the wave of the future – and Digital Ghosts has everything you need to benefit from the outsourced arrangement. When you entrust your IT needs to us, you get:

  • the benefit of specialized assets and state-of-the art tools
  • enhanced focus (by experts who are already trained in IT)
  • reduced costs (no need to hire an IT person) and reduced risk (we've got it covered)
  • a newly empowered staff (with the fastest systems and latest tools – nothing stands in your way)
Computer virus protection is vital to the success of any business. Ask yourself: Does my business have a disaster recovery plan? If so, do we have everything we need to enact it if and when? If you don't know the answer to either question, it might be time to evaluate your IT structure and contact us at DigitalGhosts.