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Computer Virus Recovery : A Critical Need that Digital Ghosts Will Fill

Anyone who does business via computer these days (and that means virtually everyone!) cannot do business successfully without the ability to quickly recover from computer viruses. New viruses are created and unleashed every day – and unfortunately it seems that computer viruses will always be a part of our lives and work.

Viruses can be simple in form but devastating in effect – wiping out data you've spent years collecting. Sometimes the data is recoverable. Other times it will be irretrievably lost. That's why it is critical to your business that you have a computer virus recovery plan in place.

We can help! Digital Ghosts can help your business with computer virus recovery.

To Achieve Computer Virus Recovery, We Must First Understand the Virus

A computer virus is a software program that is capable of copying itself, causing varying degrees of damage to computers, programs, networks or systems. Viruses come in many forms and are not exclusive to e-mail. For example, a program virus attaches itself to a computer program and is activated when the program is run. Copies of the program help to spread the virus.

One of the simplest things you can do to aid computer virus recovery is to back up data regularly so that in the event of total data loss, you'll have the ability to move on with your copy of the data that otherwise might be lost forever.

Digital Ghosts has the expertise to remove the computer virus. This is no easy task as some computer viruses can be very hard to detect. Did you know that some viruses can be active on a computer for months before they take effect. Some virus protection software can detect hard-to-find viruses but may not always be able to remove them. As we said, viruses can be very tricky.

With computer virus recovery, time is of the essence. The sooner the team at Digital Ghosts looks into your computer virus problem, the sooner we'll be able to execute a computer virus recovery plan. The longer a computer virus goes unchecked, the more damage it will be able to unleash to your computer system and your business.

Computer viruses and spyware are a huge problem. They cost U.S. businesses $62 billion a year. And virus recovery is not nearly as costly as the cost of doing nothing. Failure to address computer viruses and enact a computer virus recovery plan can spell doom for any business.

We are experts at computer virus recovery. If contacted immediately, there's a good chance we can recover lost data and reverse the effects of even the most harmful computer virus. Data recovery is no easy task – but it's well worth the effort as recovering lost data saves your company time and money.

Some computer viruses are more costly than others. The "IloveYou" virus, for instance, tapped into email contact information from corporations and government agencies. The virus sent itself to all contacts. By the time the virus was disabled, losses totalled more than $15 billion.

Digital Ghosts provides computer virus recovery systems that help you avoid this costly lesson that other businesses have had to learn when their unprotected computer network takes a direct hit from the latest virus or spyware.

Computer virus removal is difficult even for the experts. Some viruses install themselves after other viruses have been detected and removed.

How Do I Know If I Need Virus Recovery Services?

This is a bit of a loaded question because EVERY business needs virus recovery help at some point. However, if you're reading this page chances are you suspect you've already been hit by a computer virus and you're looking for information that can help. So, this list of signs is for you. Here are some common symptoms that indicate your computer, system or network might be infected by a virus:

  • the computer is running slower than usual
  • the computer isn't responding or locks up
  • Unusual error messages are appearing
  • Applications aren't working as usual
  • The computer is shutting down or restarting on its own
  • New icons appear on the desktop without you putting them there
  • An antivirus program is disabled or cannot be installed
Whether you've already got virus issues or not, you need to contact us at Digital Ghosts today so we can make your business as virus-proof as possible. We must develop your virus recovery plan now so that if and when virus trouble arises, the solution will be quick and effective.